Safe house for women and children

In the heart of Islamabad, amidst the hustle and bustle, a group of spirited youngsters found themselves bound by a common thread—the anticipation of embarking on a life-changing journey to Germany. As they shared their stories, each tale unfolded like a unique chapter in the book of dreams.

Farukh, with his impatience practically oozing, couldn’t help but tap his foot restlessly. „I’m just waiting for my golden ticket to Germany. I’ve got dreams to chase and studies to start, quickly!“ he exclaimed, eyes gleaming with excitement.

Fahima, who hailed from Afghanistan, revealed a stark contrast in her past. „Back home, the working environment was restricted, especially for women. Now, I’m eager to break free and explore the boundless opportunities that Germany has to offer,“ she shared, determination sparkling in her eyes.

Asad, a young man with a resolute gaze, expressed his eagerness to pick up the threads of his education in Europe. „I left my studies behind in Afghanistan, and now I’m ready to resume them in Europe. Germany, here I come!“ he declared, a map of determination etched on his face.

Abu, on the other hand, had his sights set on a noble profession. „I want to become a psychiatrist and help people in the future. It’s not just a career; it’s a calling,“ he said, his voice carrying the weight of his aspirations.

Mustafa, shared a lighter desire. „Christmas is celebrated every year in Germany, and I’ve always wanted to attend this festival personally. The lights, the festivities—it’s a dream come true!“ he chuckled, already envisioning the enchanting scenes.

Rafi, a lively soul, had a specific goal in mind. „I want to attend or take part in a Christmas party and experience everything closely. I’ve heard the celebrations are magical!“ he exclaimed, his excitement contagious.

Mariam, the voice of reason among them, emphasized the importance of support. „We, as youngsters, need support in achieving our goals for the future. Together, we can overcome any challenge and make our dreams a reality,“ she declared, a beacon of inspiration for her peers.

Farukh, Fahima, Asad, Abu, Mustafa, Rafi, Mariam

(names are changed for children’s safety)

#KLBgoesChristmas #DontForgetAfghanistan